• If you encounter any instances of intellectual property violation or inappropriate use of data, such as images, phone numbers, addresses, names, or email IDs, please share the details with us at report@lucylipps.com
  • Feel free to provide us with your email at report@lucylipps.com if you come across any content that appears to be abusive or illegal.

We maintains a hands-off approach between those seeking pleasure and advertisers.

By subscribing to and utilizing our classified ads, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. The adult classified ads are displayed with the consent of the publishers.

Advertisers bear full responsibility for the content and visuals featured in their advertisements. These published ads undergo no prior verification or in-person/manual authentication by us. We will not be held responsible, under any circumstances, for the accuracy, legality, intellectual property rights, or potential dissatisfaction with the services offered by the advertisers.

We functions as a platform offering publication and ad search services. It does not engage in or mediate interactions between pleasure seekers and service providers in any capacity.